
Psalm 25:14 TPT, “There is a private place reserved for the devoted lovers of Yahweh, where they sit near Him and receive the revelation-secrets of His promises”.

I believe worship is ministry to the heart of Jesus. That’s why we were created to live a life of worship. Worship through music is one important piece, but only a piece to loving God with our heart, mind, soul, and strength. Part of my calling is leading worship in corporate settings where I believe God has placed a sound in me that has been released through my pain to help others experience His healing presence. I don’t have the biggest desire to list my “credits” but I hope that you can sense my heart and passion for music ministry. I have been blessed to lead worship all over the world and share worship experiences with artists such as Chandler Moore, Naomi Raine, Amanda Cook, Trinity Anderson, Women Evolve, Celebration of Gospel Awards. I have released my own music as well as been a part of an amazing project with my worship music collective, One House Music. I believe there is an intimacy and a level of “face to face” we can get with Jesus when we express ourselves in the way He designed us.

Music is one of my passions. Singing, writing music, or leading worship are all ways to express myself. I pray you would only come to encounter the presence of Jesus as you listen to any words that I have sung. I desire that you would know less about me, and all about Him. Check out my latest music projects!

My passion is to introduce kids to worship music at a young age. I believe there is something powerful that happens when the foundation in Christ is built into young minds. Bebe and Bubba is fun and engaging worship music for kids that parents will also love to sing along with! 

Goal Setting

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Relationship Coaching

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Stress Management

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Career Advice

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What Is Life Coaching?

Who is Coaching For?

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Online Coaching Resources

Wellness eBook

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The Essentials of Goal Setting

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3 Week Career Workshop

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Copyright ©2025 Whitney Wood Music. All rights reserved