Why Do A Cleanse?

More Than Just A Parasite Cleanse, means exactly that. We are going to embark on a 12-day journey together to heal our mind, body and soul. This cleanse will require you to adhere to a specific fruit only diet and herbs, while engaging with practices each day for your emotional, physical and spiritual wellness. You can cleanse your body but if your brain and nervous system are dysregulated, a cleanse will have minimal impact. This cleanse is built to eliminate parasites as well as mold, chemicals and built-up toxins in the gut, as well as help begin to regulate your nervous system and help you team up with your body, rather than fight it. You will focus on your nutrition, herbs, daily enemas, gentle movement and lots of sleep during this cleanse.

I have found parasite cleansing so helpful. I have tried about 20 different kinds of cleanses and am sharing the methods that have most helped me. We live in a world that really burdens our immune system from our polluted water, water damaged buildings, manufactured foods and dirty air. While we can't always change our surroundings, we can do a lot to help our internal state by how we eat, move, sleep and spend time in nature. I found that parasite cleansing is not just a physical act, it is also such an emotional and spiritual one as well. When we begin to treat our bodies with love and compassion, we begin to see ourselves how God sees us. Cleansing brings up so many emotions as well. For me, it can bring up a lot of grief and anger because I'm being limited and can't stuff my feelings with food and coffee. That's why I think this cleanse can provide a powerful time in the presence of Jesus to help us realize how much we run to things rather than run to God. I suggest you treat this like a fast because why not?!? God cares about your parasites too :) These 12 days can be such a transformative time!

More Than A Parasite CleanseA 12-Day Cleanse
No products available

This cleanse is not designed to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any medical condition. The use of any products is not intended to replace professional medical care. The information provided on this website is not a substitute for medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment from a qualified healthcare provider. If you are taking any medications or are under a doctor's care, please consult with your healthcare provider before making any changes to your health regimen. By participating in this cleanse, you acknowledge that you do so at your own risk and have consulted with your doctor or another qualified health professional regarding its use. Cleanse is not recommended for those 18 and under!

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