Are You Tired of Living in

Constant Pain?

Discover a Biblical and Science-Based Path to Relieve Your Chronic Pain and Reclaim Your Life!

Are you one of the 1.2 Billion people who wake up every day to face the relentless burden of chronic pain?

Do you long for relief but find yourself disillusioned with conventional treatments that maybe offer temporary solutions? I know what that feels like and I had lost all hope ever thinking I could live a full life filled with peace and purpose.

Living with chronic pain can be debilitating, robbing you of joy, hindering your ability to work, straining relationships, and causing you to question your very existence in life.

It feels like an endless battle, leaving you desperate for relief.

But what if I told you that relief could be found through a completely new approach that addresses both the physical/emotional and spiritual aspects of your pain?

This is not a sales tactic, this is me telling you that I healed after years of pain and despair and I so deeply believe you can too.

Introducing: When Desperation Meets Faith. A

Mind-Body Approach Based on Biblical Principles

for Chronic Pain Relief

This life changing approach combines wisdom from scriptures with current scientific research to provide a comprehensive solution tailored to the way God created you.

I believe that simply looking at the body as the cause of pain and illness doesn’t even give half of the real picture of what’s going on.

Pain Science reveals the beautiful way God created our brains and bodies to work in tandem with one another.

Current Scientific research proves this approach to have remarkable results.

So much research is being done that supports the Mind-Body approach as opposed to traditional methods of treating chronic pain.

One amazing study showed structural issues in people who had ZERO PAIN. What does this mean?

DISC DEGENERATION IN BACKS - 52% of people in their 30s showed through imaging, they had disc degeneration, while 96% of people in their 80s had it as well.

BULGING DISCS IN NECKS - 87% of necks, through imagine, showed bulging discs.

SHOULDER TEARS - 72% of shoulders showed labral tears.

HIP TEARS - 69% of adults and 89% of athletes, showed labral tears.

KNEE PAIN - 97% of adults showed knee abnormalities.

Brinjikji et al 2015; Sajid et al 2021

Again, these people are in ZERO PAIN! So then why do some people have pain and why is it attributed to structural issues?

Remarkable pain science studies show, patients with structural injuries, having pain, were able to reduce completely or mostly through pain science education and tools to rewire the brain.

Sounds too good to be true?? I get it. I was very skeptical at first. There was no way my debilitating pain could be helped through rewiring my brain. BUT IT DID!

Pain is the brain’s opinion. Our brain has many opinions and in the world that many of us live in, we are constantly in stress mode, avoiding meaningful and intimate relationships, afraid of conflict, and trying to avoid past trauma.

This face-paced existence just further represses much of our feelings and this causes us to go into a panic state of fight or flight whether we are conscious of it or not. It’s remarkable once we learn how to calm our brain down.

What I Learned Through the Mind-Body Process

and Can Teach You As Well

  1. Learn How I Healed From A Decade of Chronic Pain: I tried absolutely everything; medications, supplements, diets, treatments, testing, and yet I wasn’t able to find any relief even after spending tens of thousands of dollars. Allow my testimony to encourage you and help you believe that healing could also be a part of your story.

  1. A Lifestyle That Heals: Reorienting our thoughts/beliefs/emotions/fear around our pain and diagnoses is essential to learning how to walk out healing. You may have felt like a prisoner to your symptoms, but the very way in which you view yourself, identity and your relationship to your pain can begin to change how your brain processes and responds in the body.

  1. Mind-Body Connection: Explore the intricate relationship between your mind, emotions, and physical health. Through biblical meditation, somatic techniques and science education, you'll gain the tools to manage stress, anxiety, and negative thought patterns, which have exacerbated your chronic pain.

  1. Being Seen and Known by God and Community: You may consider yourself an introvert or an extrovert. Maybe you just think you’re not a people person or you’ve forgotten how to live in community because pain and illness have taken over your life. Learn what it means to live in a real (non corny) community in which you are seen and known by God and others you trust.

Don't let chronic pain define your life any longer!

Take the first step toward a pain-free existence by taking our free assessment to look at the ways the cause of your pain may actually be different than what you’ve always believed.

Join a community of like-minded individuals who understand your struggle and are ready to support you on your journey to healing.

At Wisdom and Wellness, I believe God has created us to learn what it means to walk in healing with Him, not apart from Him. My mission is to proclaim what Isaiah 61 states and that is to help “set the captives free” from physical, emotional, mental and spiritual dysfunction. I believe that God's love and mercy extend to every aspect of our lives, including our physical well-being. Let me walk with you as you discover the incredible power of a biblical approach to chronic pain relief. Your life is precious, and it's time to embrace the pain-free future that awaits you!